Author geographical coverage: Indonesia

Published: 31-12-2020

Pathways To Islamic Education Renewal In Aceh (A Case Study of Dayah Ma'had al Ulum Diniyyah Mesjid Raya Samalanga)

Hasan Asari, Abd. Mukti, Syadidul Kahar


Abstract View: 823 PDF Download: 450

Adapting to Teaching and Learning During Covid-19: A Case of Islamic School's Initiative of Self-regulated Learning

Mustajab Mustajab, Hasan Baharun, Zakiyah Fawa’iedah


Abstract View: 1407 PDF Download: 585

Qur’anic-Based Educational Leadership: An Inquiry Into Surah Al-Fatihah

Dakir Dakir, Ahmad Fauzi


Abstract View: 716 Untitled Download: 0

Islamic Education Marketing Discourse From Maslahah Perspective

Sholikah Sholikah, Fatah Syukur, Mahfud Junaedi


Abstract View: 882 PDF Download: 367

Human Resource Procurement in Pesantren? Insight from Pesantren Sirojuth Tholibin

Baqiyatush Sholihah


Abstract View: 765 PDF Download: 365