Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)
Author geographical coverage - Australia, United States, Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia, Libya
Pay it forward: Can perceived behavioral control to pass on scholarship aid be predicted by various narcissism?
Abstract View: 1604 PDF Download: 1229 -
Social media pressure and the body dysmorphic disorder tendency in women: The mediating role of perfectionism
Abstract View: 4063 PDF Download: 3172 -
Testing the validity and reliability of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS)-21 instrument for individuals with psychodermatology
Abstract View: 6010 PDF Download: 3340 -
Mental health help-seeking intentions: The role of personality traits in a sample of college students
Abstract View: 2185 PDF Download: 3220 -
Disproving the myth of racial harassment and trauma among Indonesian Americans
Abstract View: 1083 PDF Download: 976 -
Parental expressed emotions and depression among adolescents: The mediating role of emotion regulation
Abstract View: 1369 PDF Download: 1800 -
Drum rhythm therapy: An intervention to stimulate the cognitive abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Abstract View: 1626 PDF Download: 1692 -
The experiences of gratitude in female ulama: An interpretation from Sufi psychology and PERMA-Model perspective
Abstract View: 1779 PDF Download: 1322 -
Migration process experience and its impact on well-being among women immigrants in Indonesia
Abstract View: 942 PDF Download: 646 -
Examining social support, spirituality, gratitude, and their associations with happiness through self-acceptance
Abstract View: 2674 PDF Download: 2584