Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)
Author geographical coverage: Indonesia, Sudan
Student Satisfaction Index on Lecturer Performance Based on E-learning and Competence
Abstract View: 414 PDF Download: 229 -
Application of the CIPPO Evaluation Model in the Islamic Religious Education Study Program
Abstract View: 592 PDF Download: 258 -
Analysis of Learning Enthusiasm Evaluation Through Group Investigation in Learning Quality
Abstract View: 656 PDF Download: 196 -
The Influence of the Dimensions of Higher Education Service Quality on Student Satisfaction
Abstract View: 405 PDF Download: 136 -
The Influence of Motivation, Discipline, and Leadership on Village Apparatus Performance
Abstract View: 449 PDF Download: 169 -
Competitive Advantage: Influence of Innovativeness, Marketing Sensing Capabilities and Brand Image on Marketing Performance MSE’s
Abstract View: 462 PDF Download: 234 -
Islamic Conception in The Utilization of Cocoa Pulp Waste As Basic Ingredients of Vinegar
Abstract View: 264 PDF Download: 185