
  • Khanifah Khanifah Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang, Indonesia



Free Cash Flow, Devidend, Leverage, Earnings Response Coefficients


Company growth toward bring us which competitive progressively. Financial statement is matter important to know monetary growth an company aside not deviden and debt policy with free cash
flow in company. Strength level of accountancy profit relation in a few financial accounting literature measured by using Earnings Response Coefficients (ERC) as a reaction of by certain side of
profit which have been company announced. The problems of the study about the influence of devidend payout ratio to Earnings Response Coefficients (ERC) with free cash flow moderating
variable, influence of company which have not devidend payout ratio to Earnings Response Coefficients (ERC) with free cash flow moderating variable, influence of leverage to Earnings Response
Coefficients (ERC) with free cash flow moderating variable. The goal of this study to know what is there are influence of devidend payout ratio to Earnings Response Coefficients (ERC) with
free cash flow moderating variable, to know influence of company which have not devidend payout ratio there are Earnings Response Coefficients with free cash flow moderating variable, to know influence of leverage to Earnings Response Coefficients (ERC) with free cash flow moderating variable. The result of obtained analysis by t of tables of 1,990 while t count 0,331, meaning t count < t of tables of with level of signifikan equal to 0,744 so Ho accepted and is Ha refused. So can be
concluded that there no which positive influence between variable of DPR (X1) with free cash flow moderating to earnings response coefficients. At obtained second hypothesis t of tables of 1,990
while t count - 0,011, meaning t count < t of tables of with level of signifikan equal to 0,991 so Ho accepted and Ha refused. So can be concluded that there no which positive influence between
variable of leverage (X2) with free cash flow moderating to earnings response coefficients. At test of F got by f value count equal to 0,054 with probability 0,947 Because probability bigger than 0,05, so this indicate regression models that DPR and of Leverage with free cash flow as variable moderating not influence to Earning Response Coefficiets by together.


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