
  • Muchammad Fauzi IAIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia



Religious Adherence, Islamic Attributes Product, Quality performance, Reputation, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty


There are several factors that need to be concern to increase BMT’s (Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil) customer loyalty and satisfaction such emotional and rational factors. The emotional factors include the level of customer’s religious adherence and product’s attribute based on the Sharia principles. While the rational factors include performance’s quality as indicated by the services, products varieties and networks support and BMT reputation. The purpose of this study is to identify and find empirical evidence of the emotional factor variables which covers customers religious
devotion, Islamic attributes product, performance quality, reputation toward customers loyalty and satisfaction. It also to determine the effect of customers religious devotion, Islamic attribute products, performance quality, reputation on BMT’s customer loyalty and satisfaction in the district of Pemalang. Results showed that based on test of coefficient track, which is shown by calculated value conclude that from the 11 tracks in model, 3 of them were proven insignificant namely direct influence of compliance, performance and reputation on customer loyalty. Meanwhile, the influence of adherence, products, and reputation on complacency, and the influence of products and satisfaction to loyalty all have a probability of under 0,10, which means that all variables have an influence on the independent variables.


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