
  • Endang Rumaningsih IAIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia



charity, taxes, integration, welfare


The integration between zakat with a tax is an idea that never disappears from the discourse of Islamic legal thought in Indonesia. The idea never appeared in the 1990s era was always warm when discussing efforts to the benefit and welfare of the community. Zakat and taxes have similar agenda so that efforts to unify both is very possible. In general, understanding of charity as God command and taxation as the state’s is still very strong orders. Merging these two elements for some people viewed as a strong relation (the relation between religion and state), even though Indonesia is not a nation built on the basis of religion. The imposition of taxes for Muslims is seen as an additional burden of ‘burdensome’. Taxes are regulated by the state and have the force of law. Its sanctions are always carried out by residents. While the charity which is commanded by God, the sanctions will be conducted later. So some Muslims bring to notice taxes rather than zakat, and sometimes zakat is not considered important. The dialogue to integrate zakat with the tax still requires a long process, because this issue is not only on philosophical terrain but also on the technical level. This study examines some possible merging of zakat and taxation as an instrument to build a prosperous and equitable society.


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How to Cite

Rumaningsih, E. (2016). PROSPEK INTEGRASI ZAKAT DENGAN PAJAK. Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 1(2), 15–26.




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