Vol. 32 No. 2 (2021)
Islamic Radicalism: History and a Case Study in the Indonesia Context
Abstract View: 709 PDF Download: 556 -
Sufistic Consciousness as A Foundation of Religious Well-Being in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Teaching to Understanding Existential Uncertainty
Abstract View: 772 PDF Download: 436 -
The Philosophical Problem of Evil in the Intellectual System of Suhrawardī and John Hick
Abstract View: 618 PDF Download: 497 -
Understanding Hadith: Exoteric and Esoteric Dimensions by al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmiżī, al-Ghazālī, and Ibn al-‘Arabī al-Mursī
Abstract View: 1589 PDF Download: 390 -
Religious Dynamics in Mass Media: A Study on Popular Articles in Kompas and Republika Newspapers
Abstract View: 618 PDF Download: 316 -
The Redesign of Theology of Giving As a Catalyst for Loving Humanity in a Pandemic Era
Abstract View: 439 PDF Download: 239 -
Fasting of Dalā'il al-Qur'ān: Text, Reception, Transmission, and Transformation
Abstract View: 105 PDF Download: 59