Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities
Argumentasi Pembaruan Ushul Al-Fiqh: Problematika dan Tantangannya
Abstract View: 1411 PDF Download: 765 -
Wanita dalam Islam
Abstract View: 783 PDF Download: 15366 -
Analisis Kritis Pemikiran Pendidikan Progresif Abdurrahman Wahid
Abstract View: 661 PDF Download: 636 -
Wakaf Linked Sukuk Dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah
Abstract View: 1120 PDF Download: 1437 -
The Implementation of Panca Jiwa in Pesantren Agro Nur El Falah Salatiga
Abstract View: 498 PDF Download: 230 -
Islamic Moral Value of self-reliance: A Drive for Poverty Alleviation and Entrepreneurship amongst Women in Kontagora Emirate, Nigeria
Abstract View: 492 PDF Download: 686