UIN Walisongo - Indonesia
Associate Professor
This paper is motivated by the human dimension of the Prophet s.a.w when angry. Hadiths indicate that the Prophet s.a.w. as uswah khasanah had experienced an attitude of anger and full of educational values. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to reveal the anger situation of the Prophet s.aw. and its implications for Islamic education. The results of the study found that the cause of the Prophet's anger s.a.w in general is an effort to maintain the sanctity of Islamic law. Then the angry implications that allowed in the educational process in the hadith perspective are (1). anger that does not hurt feelings or physical learners(2). Angry as a form of tactics to educate in difficult student conditions, (3). Angry who does not aim to take revenge on personal matters. All forms of anger must be accompanied by an explanation to be understood as a form of education.