The influence of socioeconomic status on job and life satisfaction among low-income employees in Johor Local Authorities




job satisfaction, life satisfaction, low-income employees, socioeconomic status, well-being


Many studies have found that a low socioeconomic status has a negative impact on welfare. However, contextual evidence on this issue in Malaysia is scarce. Therefore, this study attempts to quantitatively examine the effect of socioeconomic status on life and job satisfaction among low-income employees working in the public. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Work Domain Satisfaction Scale (WDSS), and Socioeconomic Questionnaire were presented to 265 respondents chosen using a convenience sampling technique. The data were then analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 equation modeling. The results show that socioeconomic status had a positive effect on life satisfaction (t = 4.581; p < .001) and job satisfaction (t = 3.423; p < .001). Thus, this study contributes to the provision of better insights into the socioeconomic status factors that determine life and job satisfaction, especially among low-income employees working in the public sector in Malaysia.


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Author Biographies

Errna Nadhirah Binti Kamalulil, School of Human Resource Development and Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor

Graduate Research Assistant, School of Human Resource Development and Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Siti Aisyah Binti Panatik, School of Human Resource Development and Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor

Farhan Sarwar, University of Education, Lahore


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How to Cite

Kamalulil, E. N. B., Panatik, S. A. B., & Sarwar, F. (2021). The influence of socioeconomic status on job and life satisfaction among low-income employees in Johor Local Authorities. Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi, 6(2), 121–136.


