Author geographical coverage: Indonesia

Published: 2019-04-30

Future time perspective and turnover intention: The mediating role of resilience

Dyah Triarini Indirasari, Debora Eflina Purba, Rizka Anindita


Abstract View: 2397 PDF Download: 1134

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in improving quality of life: Case study in Chronic Kidney Disease patients with hemodialysis

Rini Junita Bakri Hasanudin, Ahmad Gimmy Prathama Siswandi, Nurul Wardhani


Abstract View: 1662 PDF Download: 678

Teachers' perceptions of school climate in inclusive schools

Weny Savitry Sembiring Pandia, Margaretha Purwanti


Abstract View: 1342 PDF Download: 837

Self-efficacy parenting and nursing stress: Study on mother from spectrum autism children

Andini Iskayanti, Nurul Hartini


Abstract View: 2052 PDF Download: 914

The perception of attachment effect in parents and peers on aggressive behavior in male adolescents

Nurhida Rahmalia Wibowo, Supra Wimbarti


Abstract View: 2015 PDF Download: 1094

Self concept, self efficacy, and interpersonal communication effectiveness of student

Safitri Yulikhah, Baidi Bukhori, Ali Murtadho


Abstract View: 4571 PDF Download: 3246

A social support for housewives with HIV/AIDS through a peer support group

Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro, Ema Hidayanti


Abstract View: 1521 PDF Download: 937

Leader-member exchange affects work engagement: The role of psychological well-being mediation

Winny Yus Permatasari, Fendy Suhariadi


Abstract View: 1790 PDF Download: 880