Pengembangan Kaidah Fikih Fatwa Ekonomi Syariah DSN-MUI
Fiqh Priciple, Fatwa, Sharia EconomyAbstract
The application of fiqh principles to Islamic economic issues often uses general principles outside the muamalah field, even though general fiqh rules in the muamalah field and detailed rules have been formulated. This article aims to describe the development of fiqh principles on Islamic economic fatwas issued by the DSN-MUI from 2000 to 2019. This study uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis, using a library research approach. This study's results indicate that the development of fiqh principles in the DSN-MUI fatwa can be analyzed from two perspectives. First, the ten fiqh rules with the most significant number are the rules "Basically all forms of muamalat are allowed, unless there are arguments that prohibit them." This rule occupies several repetitions of 125 times (36%). Then the fiqh rule ranks tenth with the intensity of the repetition of 8 times (2%), namely the fiqh rule: "Every debit and credit that brings benefits is usury." Second, the DSN-MUI Fatwa Commission has used the theoretical level because its use includes: core principles, basic principles, general rules, special rules, to detailed regulations.
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