Plastic Waste Management Education Through the Waste Management Unit (UPS) in Borobudur Village


  • Adhi Surya Perdana Universitas Tidar, Indonesia
  • Indah Riadi Putri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Magelang City, Indonesia,
  • Fatwa Nurul Hakim National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia,
  • Rastono Rastono Chamber of Commerce and Industry Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Magelang City, Indonesia,
  • Yuniyati Yuniyati Local Community Facilitator of Borobudur Village, Magelang Regency, Indonesia,
  • Sholikin Sholikin 3R Waste Management (TPS 3R) site of SekarTanjung Windusari, Magelang District, Indonesia,
  • Arina Waliyati 3R Waste Management (TPS 3R) site of Lohjinawi Borobudur, Magelang District, Indonesia,


Plastic Waste, Waste Management Unit, Borobudur, Various Creations


The rapid increase in population and tourist visits can be the basis of an important issue of increasing waste volume as one of the causes of environmental problems, one of which will affect people's consumption patterns so that it has an impact on increasing the volume, type and characteristics of waste. The purpose of this study: how is the level of awareness of community function duties in waste management, how is the role, involvement, participation or participation of the community in supporting waste management, and how is the support or synergy of other stakeholders in waste management in Borobudur Magelang District. The research method used is quantitative ex-post facto in focus group discussion (FGD) activities by presenting 40 people (representatives of 21 hamlets in Borobudur Village). The results of the research on Borobudur Village area-based waste management, waste management policies and regulations, and inorganic waste management (plastic) obtained the results there is a significant difference in changes in insight, knowledge and understanding before and after FGD activities on plastic waste management into various creations. The conclusion is that the level of awareness, understanding, role, involvement and participation of community waste management institutions and the community positively support the wise management of plastic waste in the form of various creations


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Author Biography

Adhi Surya Perdana, Universitas Tidar

Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tidar


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