sexual crime for children, learning method “I dare to take care of myself”Abstract
Recently, the sexual crime for children tends to increase significantly and it causes a traumatic impact on the victims. So it needs strong effort to anticipate the sexual crimes for children as early as possible. This paper describes the efforts to anticipate sexual abuse for children through learning method namely “I dare to take care of myself” at al-Hikmah Foundation, Grobogan. The method used was qualitative descriptive and field research by conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The researcher used interviews and documentation technique for data collection. The teachers and students of al-Hikmah foundation Grobogan became the sources of primary data. While the secondary data sources were taken from a literature review that is relevant to this study. The result showed that one of the efforts to anticipate sexual abuse for children was by optimizing the teachers’ role and parents through Focus Group Discussion activities. Indeed, it was found ten themes to motivate children defending themselves, namely: Why different?, Where the baby came out?, Where to pee?, What kind of touch is it?, Do I tell you or not?, I’m afraid of ghost, Who is he?, Circumcision, Why is it not allowed?, Who could protect me? These activities would produce an understanding of the importance of taking care of themselves to avoid sexual crimes for children and parents.
Kejahatan seksual anak dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat, dan menyebabkan dampak traumatis terhadap korban. Maka diperlukan upaya untuk mengantisipasi kejahatan seksual pada anak sedini. Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai upaua mengantisipasi kejahatan seksual anak melalui pembelajaran aku anak berani melindungi diri sendiri di Yayasan al-Hikmah Grobogan. metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, jenis field research, dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sumber data primer adalah guru kelas dan siswa MI Yayasan al-Hikmah Grobogan. Sumber data sekunder adalah kajian pustaka dan literature review yang relevan dengan kajian ini. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi kejahatan seksual anak dilakukan dengan optimalisasi peran guru kelas dan orang tua siswa melalui kegiatan FGD. Mengantisipasi kejahatan seksual pada anak dilakukan melalui pembelajaran aku anak berani melindungi diri sendiri melalui sepuluh tema yaitu: kenapa berbeda, dari mana keluarnya adik bayi, pipis dimana, sentuhan apa nih, cerita nggak ya, ih takut ada hantu, siapa itu, khitan, mengapa tidak boleh, siapa yang bisa melindungiku. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan pemahaman kepada anak dan orang tua pentingnya menjaga diri sendiri agar terhindar dari kejahatan seksual.Downloads
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