The Image of Women Figures in Folklore of Kudus Kulon’s Toponyms: A Linguistics Anthropology Study
image, women figures, toponym, Kudus Kulon, linguistics anthropologyAbstract
This study aims to explore the image of women figures in folklore relating to the naming of a place (toponym) in the Kudus Kulon area. This study was carried out with a linguistic anthropology approach, which focuses on language as a set of symbolic resources that enter the constitution or social and individual representations in the real world. The results of this study are as follows: 1) the origin of the toponym, i.e. the name and the activity of the women figures; 2) the role of women figures, consisting of the main and side characters; 3) the relation between female and male figures in toponym can be divided into two: (a) women figures representing the husband and (b) women figures representing themselves; 4) opportunities for women figures, including opportunities to solve problems, opportunities to move according to their interests, and opportunities to participate in public roles; 5) influences of women figures, including influences on spirituality, influences on economic activities, and influences on culture.
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