Journal Details

Journal Title Nutri-Sains: Jurnal Gizi, Pangan dan Aplikasinya
Abbreviation Nutr. J. Gizi, Pangan dan Apl.
Short Title Nutri-Sains
ISSN 2541-5921 (e); 2528-3170 (p); registered in the ISSN International Centre
DOI Prefix 10.21580/ns by Crossref
Language Indonesian; English
Publication Frequency 2 issues per year (June and November)
Archiving Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN) - see the LOCKSS Publisher Manifest
Subject Area Health Professions; Medicine
Subject Categories Health Professions (Miscellaneous); Medical Laboratory Technology; Biochemistry (Medical); Health Policy
Citation Analysis Dimensions; Google Scholar
Editor in Chief Puji Lestari, M.P.H.
Publisher Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Psychology and Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
Address Jl. Prof. Dr. HAMKA Km. 3 Ngaliyan Semarang, Central Java - Indonesia

Journal Description

Nutri-Sains: Jurnal Gizi, Pangan dan Aplikasinya is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published biannually by the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Psychology and Health Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia. Its scope encompasses original scientific research and case studies in clinical nutrition and dietetics, food services, community nutrition, functional food, nutritional biochemistry, halal aspects of food, regulation, and information on food and nutrition.

This is an open-access journal, meaning all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking the publisher's or the author's prior permission. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Accreditation & Indexing

Nutri-Sains: Jurnal Gizi, Pangan dan Aplikasinya has been accredited on Level 3 (SINTA 3) by The Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia, based on the Decree No. 14/E/KPT/2019, 10th May 2019. The Members of the Editorial Team of Nutri-Sains would like to extend their most sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to this achievement. Nutri-Sains will continue supporting nutrition development in Indonesia through scientific publication. The Editorial Team of Nutri-Sains is waiting for your best manuscript. 

Organizing Partner

Nutri-Sains: Jurnal Gizi, Pangan dan Aplikasinya, collaborates with Perhimpunan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (PERSAGI).