Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)
Author geographical coverage - China, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Poland, Turkey
Effect of Islamic-based repentance therapy on the prevention of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Abstract View: 2068 PDF Download: 1488 -
Mental budgeting and the malleability of decision-making
Abstract View: 1481 PDF Download: 1227 -
Improving the psychological well-being of prisoners through group counseling with solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) approach
Abstract View: 2280 PDF Download: 1951 -
The mediating effect of group identity and religious fundamentalism on the association of intergroup contact with prejudice
Abstract View: 1187 PDF Download: 740 -
The role of grit and parent-child communication in career adaptability
Abstract View: 1985 PDF Download: 1571 -
The effect of flexible work arrangements on ethical decision-making
Abstract View: 1184 PDF Download: 1070 -
Investigation into obedience in the face of unethical behavior
Abstract View: 3082 PDF Download: 1413 -
Perceived workload and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): The role of psychological empowerment
Abstract View: 1337 PDF Download: 1112