Tracer Study Terhadap Respon Stakeholder untuk Evaluasi dan Pengembangan Kurikulum Program Studi
tracer study, respon stakeholder, pengguna lulusanAbstract
This study aimed to determine the graduate user assessment (stakeholder response). The method used is through a preliminary survey phase of the alumni database, creating a google form tracer study of stakeholder responses, tracking stakeholder responses, distributing tracer study questionnaires and random stakeholder interviews. The research sample is the 2012-2014 class of chemistry graduate users who have been recorded in a tracer study of aspects of alumni tracking. The results of the study show that the assessment of graduates according to stakeholders is integrity (moral and ethics) very good category (63%), professionalism is good (51%), information technology is good (61%), teamwork is good (aspects) 63%), good personal development aspects (63%), good leadership aspects (80%), good foreign language skills (68%), good communication skills (73%), innovation ability and creativity good category (59%), and motivation in working good category (51%).
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