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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)
Islam wasathiyah value in photojournalism in Guo Ji Ri Bao newspaper
Abstract View: 643 PDF Download: 419 -
Tingkat pengetahuan literasi media pada mahasantri di Pondok Pesantren Fadhul Fadhlan Semarang
Abstract View: 769 PDF Download: 535 -
Strategi komunikasi media Islam alif.id dan ibtimes.id dalam penyebaran paham moderasi
Abstract View: 847 PDF Download: 608 -
Representasi selebriti mikro bercadar di media sosial
Abstract View: 608 PDF Download: 370 -
Digital religion: How digital immigrants access religious content during pandemic
Abstract View: 517 PDF Download: 320 -
Identifikasi kompetensi komunikasi lulusan perguruan tinggi di era gig economy
Abstract View: 1586 PDF Download: 360 -
Strategi dakwah di masa pandemi: Studi pada Majelis Tabligh Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah
Abstract View: 485 PDF Download: 381