
  • Dalmeri Dalmeri Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia



integration, science, Islamic values, multicultural era


This paper is the result of research applying reflective philosophical approach that try to answer the the question about the integration of the values of science and the values of the Islamic religion to shape the character of college students and the contextualization of religious values in the development science and technology in the multicultural era such as Indonesia. The findings of this research is, that Islam as a religion has always advocated Muslims to always holds integration, because, religion and science are not contradictive. and controversial, but complementary. Such a perspective, factually was able to build positive character among students in Jakarta, because for them religion is seen as a driving force for the development of science and discovery in science and technology should be aligned with the values of Islam, so it is not pulled out from the roots of religious values sublime.



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How to Cite

Dalmeri, D. (2015). CONTEXTUALIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS VALUES IN MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, 23(2), 377–400.