About the Journal

Journal Title Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism
Abbreviation Teosof. Indones. J. Islam. Mysticism
Short Title Teosofia
Language English (preferred); Arabic
ISSN 2540-8186 (online); 2302-8017 (printed)
Editor in Chief Hasyim Muhammad (Scopus; Google Scholar)
Co-Editor in Chief Mohamad Sobirin (ScopusGoogle Scholar)
Publisher Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Kampus 2, Jl. Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Km.1, Tambakaji, Ngaliyan, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 50185
Publication Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
DOI Prefix (Crossref) 10.21580/tos
National Accreditation SINTA 2 (Science and Technology Index)
Subject Areas Arts and Humanities (History and Philosophy of Science, Religious Studies)
Discipline Categories a) Sufi Orders (Tariqas), b) Living Sufism, c) Eco-Sufism, d) Sufi Thoughts and Doctrines, e) Histories and Area Studies of Sufism, f) Sufi Manuscripts, g) Sufism and Arts, h) Sufism and Healings, i) Interdisciplinary Study of Islamic Mysticism
Citation Analysis SINTA; GARUDA; Google Scholar; Index Copernicus; Dimensions

Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora (Faculty of Usuluddin and Humanities), Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia.  

The journal provides a scholarly forum for sustained discussion of Islamic mysticism from various perspectives. This journal aims at studying Islamic mysticism to solve current issues and create social and religious harmony. It covers textual or fieldwork studies of Islamic mysticism based on various approaches and theories. The journal also welcomes the contributions of scholars from other related fields.

Although its name suggests that its scope is limited to the study of Islamic mysticism in Indonesia, this is not the case. Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism covers all subject areas, while the journal’s management is situated in Indonesia. This journal was first published in 2012 in the printed version and has been accessible online since 2015. Then, in 2020, it was accredited (SINTA 2) by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number:

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Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Author Geographical Coverage: Indonesia, Yemen, United States, Iran
Published: 2024-06-01


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