The Management of Strengthening the Mosque-Based Religious Character Education
179 - 204
Abstract View: 1544 PDF Download: 616Transcendence and Immanence: Teacher Professionalism in Islamic Religious Perspectives
205 - 218
Abstract View: 923 PDF Download: 2365The Problems of Islamic Religious Education Teacher for Curriculum Development in Transmigration Area
219 - 234
Abstract View: 1373 PDF Download: 2921The Implementation of Role of Kuttab Al-Fatih (KAF) Philosophy in Islamic Character Education
235 - 250
Abstract View: 1339 PDF Download: 543Needs Analysis of The Islamic Arabic Material Teaching Based on Communicative for University Students
251 - 270
Abstract View: 729 PDF Download: 358Moderation of Islamic Education as an Effort to Prevent Radicalism (Case Study of FKUB Singkawang City, Kalimantan, Indonesia)
271 - 294
Abstract View: 971 PDF Download: 460Mind Skills Training Model through Experiential Learning as Guide Teacher and Islamic Counselors
295 - 314
Abstract View: 881 PDF Download: 602Maximizing Religious Capital: Building English Villages Based on Islamic Education around the Campus
337 - 358
Abstract View: 1171 PDF Download: 331