Potensi Teh Rambut Jagung Ketan (Zea mays L.) dan Daun Salam (Syzygium polyanthum) sebagai Antihipertensi
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the tea’s effect on the blood pressure. Research is a type of experimental research, with a randomized pre-post test with control design. Antioxidant activity was determined using the DPPH method, while saponin levels were quantified using gravimetric analysis. Blood pressure measurements in rats were obtained via tail-cuff plethysmography. A total of 28 male Sprague dawley rats were used, randomly allocated into four groups: a negative control group without extract (K-), a positive control group treated with furosemide 3.6 mg/kg (K+), and intervention groups receiving different doses of tea extract, specifically 300 mg/kg body weight (X1) and 500 mg/kg body weight (X2). The findings revealed that the IC50 value for antioxidant activity of corn silk tea was 65.526 ppm, with a saponin content of 8.461%. Meanwhile, bay leaf tea exhibited stronger antioxidant properties, with an IC50 of 40.351 ppm and a saponin content of 7.408%. The X2 group demonstrated the most significant reduction in blood pressure, averaging 98.9 mmHg. In conclusion, corn silk tea possesses strong antioxidant properties, whereas bay leaf tea has very strong antioxidant activity. The combination of bay leaf and corn silk tea was effective in decreasing blood pressure in rats.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh teh terhadap tekanan darah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen randomized pre-post test with control design. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH, kadar saponin menggunakan analisis gravimetri kuantitatif, pengukuran tekanan darah pada tikus menggunakan metode tail-cuff plethysmo-graphy. Penelitian menggunakan 28 tikus putih jantan Sprague dawley, dibagi 4 kelompok yaitu tanpa pemberian ekstrak (K-), dengan obat furosemid 3,6 mg/kg (K+), intervensi teh saraja dengan dosis ekstrak 300 mg/kgBB (X1); dosis 500 mg/kg BB (X2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan teh rambut jagung IC50 sebesar 65,526 ppm sedangkan kadar saponin pada teh rambut jagung ketan sebesar 8,461%. Aktivitas antioksidan teh daun salam IC50 sebesar 40,351 ppm, sedangkan kadar saponin pada teh daun salam sebesar 7,408%. Rerata tekanan darah pada kelompok X2 menunjukkan selisih penurunan tekanan darah paling banyak yaitu 98,9 mmHg. Kesimpulannya, aktivitas antioksidan teh rambut jagung berada pada kelompok kuat, dan antioksidan pada teh daun salam termasuk golongan yang sangat kuat. Pemberian teh daun salam kombinasi rambut jagung dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada tikus.
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