The Relation of Fiber Intake, Cholesterol, and Physical Activity with Blood Cholesterol Level of Women Adult in Bogor Aerobic Studio
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This study aims to analyze the relation between fiber intake, cholesterol, nutritional status, and physical activity with blood cholesterol level on adult women. The study design was a cross sectional study. The study involved 60 adult women (aged 40-64 y.o) in the Sanggar Senam Bugar Sehat Bogor as respondent. The analysis used was Chi-square test to assess the relation between variables. The result showed a signinificant relation of physical activity (p value=0,027, OR=0,098 ; 95% CI=0,012-0,809), fiber intake (p value=0,046, OR=7,724 ; 95% CI=0,918-64,260), and cholesterol intake (p value=0,000, OR=16,00 ; 95% CI=3,398-75,345) with blood cholesterol level. It is concluded that blood cholesterol levels are influenced by eating pattern, physical activities, and routine medical check up.
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