Air Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica L.) Dapat Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol Mahasiswi Pascasarjana Universitas Darussalam Gontor
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The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of giving tamarind water on cholesterol levels in early adulthood at the Postgraduate Girls of Darussalam Gontor University. This research was a quasi-experimental research. The research design used a one group pre-posttest design, namely a pre-test before the treatment and a post-test after the treatment. In this study, the samples used were those that met the inclusion criteria, and one group was treated by giving tamarind water for 14 days. Normality data analysis used Shapiro wilk and has a normal data distribution. In the bivariate analysis test using the paired t-test to determine whether there is an effect of giving tamarind on cholesterol levels. The average cholesterol level before giving tamarind water was 180.55 ± 31.263 m/dL and after giving tamarind water, it was 160.77 ± 34.493 m/dL. There was a significant effect on cholesterol levels before and after giving java water (p = 0.018). It can be interpreted that there has been an effect of giving tamarind water on reducing cholesterol levels in postgraduate female students at Darussalam Gontor University.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pemberian air asam jawa terhadap kadar kolesterol mahasiswi di Pascasarjana Putri Universitas Darussalam Gontor. Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan model one group pre- postest design. Dilakukan pre-test sebelum adanya perlakuan dan post-test sesudah dilakukannya perlakuan. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi putri Pascasarjana Universitas Darussalam Gontor. Intervensi diberikan kepada 31 sampel yang tergabung dalam satu kelompok. Perlakuan berupa pemberian air asam jawa selama 14 hari. Uji normalitas data menggunakan Shapiro wilk dan didapatkan hasil bahwa data rerata kadar kolesterol mempunyai sebaran data normal. Adapun analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji paired t-test, untuk melihat efektifitas pemberian asam jawa yang dilihat dari perbedaan rata-rata kadar kolesterol sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Rata-rata kadar kolesterol sebelum dilakukan pemberian air asam jawa adalah 180,55±31,263 m/dL dan setelah pemberian air asam jawa 160,77±34,493 m/dL. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar kolesterol sebelum dan setelah pemberian air asam jawa (p = 0,018). Dapat diartikan bahwa air asam jawa efektif dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol mahasiswi putri Pascasarjana Universitas Darussalam Gontor.
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