Kualitas Organoleptik, Kandungan Gizi, dan Densitas Energi Home Blenderized Diabetes Melitus berbasis Tomat dan Susu
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This study aims to develop a Home Blenderized Diabetes Mellitus formula with tomato and milk based ingredients. The formula was analyzed based on organoleptic parameters, nutritional content (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin C, and cholesterol), and density of energy. This study uses an experimental design carried out at the Food & Culinary Processing Laboratory, Department of Nutrition, Jenderal Soedirman University. Meanwhile, the sensory test was carried out at a partner hospital in the Purwokerto area. The panelists were 15 nutritionist as trained panelists. Statistical analysis used was a descriptive analysis that describes organoleptic test data based on the percentage of hedonic levels. The results showed that as many as 50% of the panelists stated that they liked and really liked the DM formula. A total of 75% panelists stated that they really like the color or the DM formula; 25% of the panelists stated that they rather like the DM formula. Based on the aroma, 25% of the panelists stated that they rather like the DM formula. Based on the level of viscosity, all panelists stated that they met the requirements for liquid (enteral) food. The DM enteral formula contains 15% protein, 21% fat, and 68% carbohydrates, vitamin A 254.4 µg, vitamin C 115.6 mg, and cholesterol 21.2 g per serving.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan formula enteral Home Blenderized bagi pasien DM dengan bahan dasar tomat dan susu berdasarkan parameter organoleptik, kandungan gizi (karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin A, vitamin C, dan kolesterol) dan densitas energi. Studi ini menggunakan desain eksperimental dan dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pengolahan Pangan & Kuliner Jurusan Ilmu Gizi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Uji organoleptik dilakukan di mitra rumah sakit di wilayah Purwokerto. Panelis adalah kelompok panelis terlatih, yaitu para ahli gizi di rumah sakit. Sebanyak 15 panelis tergabung dalam uji organoleptik. Analisis statistik menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang memaparkan data uji organoleptik berdasarkan persentase tingkat hedonik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 50% panelis menyatakan suka dan sangat suka. Sebanyak 75% panelis menyatakan suka berdasarkan warna, sedangkan berdasarkan rasa 25% panelis menyatakan agak suka terhadap formula DM. Berdasarkan aroma 25% panelis menyatakan agak suka. Berdasarkan tingkat kekentalan seluruh panelis menyatakan memenuhi syarat makanan cair (enteral). Formulasi enteral DM dengan memiliki kandungan protein sebesar 15%, lemak 21%, dan karbohidrat 68%, vitamin A 254,4 µg dan vitamin C 115,6 mg, dan kolesterol 21,2 g per takaran saji.
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