Supp. File(s): Research Instrument
Rumkital Jala Ammari, Lantamal VI, Makassar - Indonesia
This study aims to determine the optimal biscuit formula with the addition of avocado flour based on its organoleptic quality, nutritional content, and microbial contamination as an alternative to complementary foods for breast milk. The research design was experimental with completely randomized design (CRD). There were 1 control formula (F0) and 3 modified formulas (F1,F2,F3) with 2 repetitions. Each formulation consists of wheat flour, avocado flour and soy protein isolate with a ratio of F0(100:0:15), F1(90:10:15), F2(80:20:15), F3(70:30:15). Organoleptic test was carried out on 30 untrained panelists. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 26 with Kruskal Wallis test and further tested with Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the biscuits that the panelists liked the most were F1 biscuits with the addition of 10% avocado flour. F1 biscuits contained 405.24 kcal of energy, 8.75 grams of protein, 7.8 grams of fat, 75.01 grams of carbohydrates, 2.15253 mg of iron, and 2.2657 mg of zinc with characteristics of yellowish brown colored, medium aroma, with a slightly bitter taste and crunchy texture. and TPC 9×101 colonies/gr, Salmonella Sp. Negative/25gram, Escheria. Coli <3 APM/gram. The formula chosen in this study was the F1 biscuits with the addition of 10% avocado flour.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formula optimal biskuit dengan penambahan tepung alpukat berdasarkan mutu organoleptik, kandungan gizi, dan cemaran mikrobanya sebagai alternatif makanan pendamping air susu ibu (MPASI). Desain penelitan ini adalah Eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Terdapat 1 formula kontrol (F0) dan 3 formula modifikasi (F1, F2, F3) dengan 2 kali penggulangan. Masing-masing formulasi terdiri dari tepung terigu, tepung alpukat dan isolat protein kedelai dengan perbandingan yaitu F0 (100:0:15), F1 (90:10:15), F2 (80:20:15), F3 (70:30:15). Uji organoleptik dilakukan kepada 30 orang panelis tidak terlatih. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS 26 dengan uji Kruskal Wallis dan diuji lanjut dengan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biskuit yang paling disukai panelis yaitu biskuit F1 dengan penambahan tepung alpukat sebanyak 10%. Biskuit F1 mengandung energi 405,24 kkal, protein 8,75 gr, lemak 7,8 gr, karbohidrat 75,01 gr, besi 2,15253 mg, dan seng 2,2657 mg. Warna biskuit coklat kekuningan, aroma sedang, rasa agak pahit, dan tekstur renyah. ALT sebesar 9 × 101 koloni/gr, Salmonella Sp. Negatif/25gram, E. Coli < 3 APM/gram. Formula terpilih pada penelitian ini yaitu biskuit F1 dengan penambahan tepung alpukat sebanyak 10%.
Supplement Files
Keywords: biscuits; malnourished toddlers; alternative complementary food; avocado flour; biskuit; kurang gizi; makanan pendamping asi; tepung alpukat