Published: 2022-10-31
STEM-Based LKPD Development and Contextual Problems to Improve Explanation, Concluding, and Evaluating Skills
Abstract View: 489 Development of STEM-Based LKPD (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) on the Theme of “My Home Electrical Circuit” to Improve Critical Thinking Skills Download: 0Academic Procrastination, Self-Efficacy, and Task Value of Pre-Service Biology Teacher During Online Learnings
Abstract View: 737 PDF Download: 417Students' Mathematical Literacy Ability in Comparative Material Viewed from Students' Reasoning Ability
Abstract View: 272 Instrumen Tes Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Download: 0ADVANCED CHATBOT DEVELOPMENT TO IMPROVE STUDENT LITERACY AND NUMERACY SKILLS
Abstract View: 604 PDF Download: 404The Using Natural Phenomenon Video In The Science Learning On Junior High School Student’s Scientific Creativity
Abstract View: 325 PDF Download: 263Critical Thinking of Prospective Teachers In Solving Math Problems In Terms of Learning Styles
Abstract View: 432 PDF Download: 584Development of Rocky E-Module Wolfram Mathematica to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Abstract View: 351 PDF Download: 327Creative Thinking And Collaboration Skills: Improved Learning With The CORE Model Of Biology Subjects
Abstract View: 297 PDF Download: 228The Effect of STEM-Fishbone diagram Learning on Critical Thinking Ability and Self-Efficacy: A Study on High School Students
Abstract View: 641 PDF Download: 424