Vol. 42 No. 1 (2022)
Author geographical coverage: Indonensia, Nigeria
The tabligh language of the millenial generation in social media: Analysis of popular Islamic account framing
Abstract View: 859 PDF Download: 954 -
Psychological impact and the effort of da'i handling victims of sexual violence in adolescents
Abstract View: 559 PDF Download: 646 -
Dynamics of scientific development in dakwah education Indonesia
Abstract View: 541 PDF Download: 680 -
Community religious expression through sholawat in Bangunrejo Kidul Kedunggalar Ngawi village
Abstract View: 522 PDF Download: 519 -
Inclusive da’wa on Indonesian people: The role of people in the view of Auguste Comte
Abstract View: 540 PDF Download: 496 -
The flow of understanding and variety of communication behaviors religious moderation communities on the slopes of Merapi volcano
Abstract View: 572 PDF Download: 304 -
Al maun and climate crisis: Dynamic between Muhammadiyah and indigenous communities in 21th century
Abstract View: 722 PDF Download: 588 -
Combining old and new media for Islamic da’wa activity: The Case of Indonesian Nursi movement
Abstract View: 633 PDF Download: 625 -
Religious freedom in the context of Islamic da'wa
Abstract View: 480 PDF Download: 693