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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)
All articles in this issue include authors from 4 countries of origin (Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, China, & Marocco).
Promoting the spirit of nationalism through Quran-Hadis lectures: A case of Gus Miftah’s da'wah model
Abstract View: 845 PDF Download: 479 -
Representation of feminism in Miss & Mrs. Cops (John Fiske’s semiotic analysis)
Abstract View: 719 PDF Download: 438 -
Synergizing stakeholders’ communication for religious harmony in Indonesia
Abstract View: 438 PDF Download: 316 -
Dramaturgy of Ustadh Abi Azkakia's da'wah in the Mobile Legends game
Abstract View: 587 PDF Download: 378 -
Semiotic analysis of Islamic moral messages in soap operas "Buku Harian Seorang Istri" on SCTV
Abstract View: 426 PDF Download: 273 -
Da’wah values in the opening ceremony video of the World Cup Qatar 2022 (A John Fiske’s semiotic analysis)
Abstract View: 628 PDF Download: 353 -
Da'wah communication approach to prisoners: The case of Detention Center II B Nganjuk
Abstract View: 428 PDF Download: 245 -
Study of da'wah texts on muslim.or.id: The perspective of Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis
Abstract View: 518 PDF Download: 447