Analysis High Order Level Thinking Skills of High School Students in Chemistry Learning

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Marlina Marlina
Samsul Hadi
Abdul Rahim


This study aims to describe the high-order thinking skills of high school students. The research method used is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used was the random sampling technique. The research subjects were 488 high school students. The data collection technique is a two-tier multiple choice test consisting of twenty questions covering analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Based on the research results and discussion, high-order thinking skills of high school students showed an average in the very high category with a percentage of 1.8% with a frequency of 9 students. The ability of students in the high category has a percentage of 19.9%, with a frequency of 97 students and the ability of students in the medium category is 49%, with a frequency of 239 students. Meanwhile, the average in the low category is 21.9%, with a frequency of 107 students and the ability of students in the very low category has a percentage of 7.4% with a frequency of 36 students. Overall, high-order thinking skills in high school in Tegal are in the medium category.


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How to Cite
Marlina, M., Hadi, S., & Rahim, A. (2023). Analysis High Order Level Thinking Skills of High School Students in Chemistry Learning. JEC, 5(1), 55–60.
Author Biographies

Marlina Marlina, Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Bumigora

Pendidikan Teknologi Informatika

Samsul Hadi, Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Pendidikan Teknik Elektro

Abdul Rahim, Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Bumigora

Pendidikan Teknologi Informatika


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