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Issue | Title | |
Vol 13, No 1 (2019): Islamic Education and Liberation Musrifah Musrifah |
The Relevance of Al-Ghazali’s Tazkiyatun-Nafs Concept With Islamic Education in The Millennial Era. | Abstract PDF |
Vol 10, No 2 (2016): Kompetensi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam m sahran jailani |
Pengembangan Sumber Belajar Berbasis Karakter Peserta Didik (Ikhtiar optimalisasi Proses Pembelajaran Pendidi-kan Agama Islam (PAI)) | Abstract PDF |
Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Islamic Education and Peace Umi Zulfa |
Model of Islamic Religion Education 435 Based on Islam Nusantara on College | Abstract PDF |
Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Pendidikan Islam Progresif Imam Anas Hadi |
Peran Penting Psikologi dalam Pendidikan Islam | Abstract PDF |
Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Islamic Education and Humanization Ahmad Fauzi, Rosyadi BR, Hasan Baharun |
Analysis Study of Parental Choice of Education in The Millenial Era | Abstract PDF |
Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Islamic Education and Radicalism Adun priyanto |
The Refinement on Character education to Strengthening Islamic Education in Industrial Era 4.0 | Abstract PDF |
Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Islamic Education and Trancendence Rahmat Ryadhush Shalihin, Hendro Widodo |
The Problems of Islamic Religious Education Teacher for Curriculum Development in Transmigration Area | Abstract PDF |
Vol 13, No 1 (2019): Islamic Education and Liberation Danusiri Danusiri |
Basic Theory of Islamic Education Management | Abstract PDF |
Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Islamic Education and Peace Nanang Hasan Susanto |
Menangkal Radikalisme Atas Nama Agama Melalui Pendidikan Islam Substantif | Abstract PDF |
Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Islamic Education and Trancendence Soufian Hady |
Transcendence and Immanence: Teacher Professionalism in Islamic Religious Perspectives | Abstract PDF |
Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Inovasi Pendidikan Sofa Muthohar |
Antisipasi Degradasi Moral di Era Global | Abstract PDF |
Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Islamic Education and Peace Umiarso Umiarso, Makhful Makhful |
Puasa Dan Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membangun Manusia Penaka “Tuhan”: Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Sisi Epistemologik Dan Aksiologik (Pembelajaran) Pendidikan Agama Islam | Abstract PDF |
Vol 13, No 1 (2019): Islamic Education and Liberation Ahwan Fanani |
Ahmad Dahlan’s Perspective on the Model of Modern Integration of Islamic Education | Abstract PDF |
Vol 6, No 2 (2012): Signifikansi Pendidikan Profetis Moh. Sulhan |
Nilai Profetis Pendidikan Islam untuk Menanggulangi Perdagangan Manusia | Abstract PDF |
Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Islamic Education and Radicalism ikhrom ikhrom |
The Relevance of Self-efficacy, Perception, ICT Ability and Teacher Performance (Study on Islamic Teachers in Semarang, Indonesia) | Abstract PDF |
Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Islamic Education and Trancendence Muhammad Saifullah, Sofa Muthohar, Sayyidatul Fadlilah |
Maximizing Religious Capital: Building English Villages Based on Islamic Education around the Campus | Abstract PDF |
Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Pendidikan Islam Unggul Umar Sidiq |
Pengembangan Standarisasi Pondok Pesantren | Abstract PDF |
Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Islamic Education and Peace Muhammad Anas Ma`arif, Ari Kartiko |
Fenomenologi Hukuman di Pesantren : Analisis Tata Tertib Santri Pondok Pesantren Daruttaqwa Gresik | Abstract PDF |
Vol 10, No 1 (2016): Pendidikan Islam dan Humanisme Subaidi Subaidi |
Konsep Pendidikan Islam dengan Paradigma Humanis | Abstract PDF |
Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Inovasi Pendidikan Supa’at Supa’at |
Madrasah dan Ujian Nasional | Abstract PDF |
1 - 20 of 27 Items | 1 2 > >> |
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