Universitas Jember - Indonesia
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1739-753X
College Student from Science Education - University of Jember
The low learning motivation of junior high school students can be improved through media with lots of colors and pictures. This study aims to develop Webtoon-based comic electronic learning media on the material of the human respiratory system to increase the learning motivation of grade VIII junior high school students that is valid, practical, and effective. Media development uses the ADDIE model strategy. Media validation is based on the assessment of 4 expert validations. The practicality test is based on the opinion of the teacher and student representatives. The effectiveness test was carried out at class VIII SMPN 11 Jember with 32 students. Statistical test ofdata processing using Paired Sample t-test.The results of the research cover the validity test by 4 expert validators with an average percentage of 91.5% with very valid criteria, the practicality test by students has an overall average percentage of 91.4% with a very practical category,and the effectivenesstest with the ARCS questionnaire before and after implementation has consistently increased the average value in 4 aspects, namely the aspect of gaining attention increase of 0.22, Relevance gets 0.23, Confident gets 0.20 and Satisfaction gets 0.14, the difference in the total mean of the ARCS questionnaire is 0.20.Seeing the enthusiasm of students in learning to use comics is very large, it is suggested that electronic comics can be made in other learning materials.
Keywords: E-Comic, Webtoon, Human Respiratory System, Learning Motivation, ADDIE; ARCS
Rendahnya motivasi belajar siswa SMP dapat ditingkatkan melalui media yang diperbanyak warna dan gambarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran elektronik komik berbasis Webtoonpada materi sistem pernapasan manusia untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa SMP kelas VIII yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Pengembangan media menggunakan strategi model ADDIE. Validasi media didasarkan pada penilaian 4 validasi ahli.Uji kepraktisan didasrkan pada pendapat guru dan perwakilan siswa. Uji efektifitas dilakukan di SMPN 11 Jember kelas VIII dengan 32 siswa.Uji statistic pengolahan data mengunakan Paired Sample t-Test. Hasil dari penelitian melingkupiuji validitas oleh 4 ahlivalidator ahli dengan persentaserata-ratasebesar 91,5% dengan kriteria sangat valid, uji kepraktisan oleh siswa memiliki presentase rerata keseluruhan sebesar 91,4% dengan kategori sangat praktis, dan Uji Efektivitasdengan angket ARCS sebelum dan sesudah penerapan mengalami kenaikan nilai rerata secara berurutan dalam 4 aspeknya adalah aspek Attentionmendapatkan kenaikan 0.22, Relevancemendapatkan 0.23, Confidentmendapatkan 0.20 dan Satisfactionmendapatkan 0.14, selisih total rerata angket ARCS adalah 0.20.Melihat antusiasme siswadalam pembelajaran menggunakan komik sangat besar, maka disarankan agar komik elektronik dapat dibuat pada materi pembelajaran lainnya
Keywords: E-Comic; Webtoon; Human Respiratory System; Learning Motivation; ADDIE; ARCS