Author geographical coverage: United Kingdom, Hungary, Malaysia, Indonesia

Published: 2023-05-31

The dynamics of flourishing Indonesian Muslim families: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Tina Afiatin, M. A. Subandi, Annisa Reginasari


Abstract View: 2643 PDF Download: 5579

Quarter-life crisis: Personal growth initiative as a moderator of uncertainty intolerance in psychological distress

Audita Izza Balqis, Diah Karmiyati, Cahyaning Suryaningrum, Hanif Akhtar


Abstract View: 2951 PDF Download: 6718

Evidence of the validity of the fairness character scale for adolescence: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique

Ashari Mahfud, Mungin Eddy Wibowo, Mulawarman Mulawarman, Muhammad Japar


Abstract View: 1279 PDF Download: 2366

Insights on mother’s subjective well-being: The influence of emotion regulation, mindfulness, and gratitude

Idi Warsah, M. Rikza Chamami, Endang Prastuti, Ruly Morganna, Mirza Muchammad Iqbal


Abstract View: 1428 PDF Download: 2723

Compassionate love parenting training to reduce stress in caregivers of children with special needs: An experimental study

Dinie Ratri Desiningrum, Donna Hermawati, Maman Somantri, Yeniar Indriana, Alhimna Rusydana


Abstract View: 1346 PDF Download: 3128

Quality of life of college students: The effects of state anxiety and academic stress with self-control as a mediator

Nadya Ariyani Hasanah Nuriyyatiningrum, Khairani Zikrinawati, Puji Lestari, Rach Madita


Abstract View: 1914 PDF Download: 4852

Languishing and flourishing experiences in schizophrenic patients during hospitalization

Amirah Fathinah, Listya Istiningtyas, Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang


Abstract View: 778 PDF Download: 1584

The role of psychological capital in flourishing among job seekers: Grit as a mediator

Wan Shahrazad Wan Sulaiman, Mohammad Izzat Akmal bin Shariff, Rozainee Khairudin


Abstract View: 1045 PDF Download: 2126

Effects of caffeine intake and performance pressure on working memory

Laila Indra Lestari, Sri Kusrohmaniah


Abstract View: 2756 PDF Download: 4323

Exploring the usefulness of the Brief COPE in clinical and positive psychology: A discriminant content validity study

Ide Bagus Siaputra, Afinnisa Rasyida, Amanda Meuthia Ramadhanty, Noeroel Kentjono Endah Triwijati


Abstract View: 1762 PDF Download: 2889