Evidence of the validity of the fairness character scale for adolescence: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique
adolescents, fairness, fairness character scale, validityAbstract
The characteristic of fairness is a virtuous one that adolescents should possess as capital to interact with their social environment. However, no validity of evidence supports the score interpretation of a fairness character scale. The purpose of this study is to obtain evidence for the validity of the scale for adolescents. The research data were collected from 532 adolescents in Indonesia, ranging in age between 14 and 18 years. Scale development covers all stages of the process by assessing the required validity and reliability of evidence. Based on the ratings obtained from the scale, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to identify the internal structure of the validity evidence. The results of the factor analysis found that the scale consisted of four factors, namely "exploitation", "appreciation", "social role", and "open behaviour". Cronbach alpha's internal consistency value was calculated to be .84. After completing all stages of the scale development, 20 items related to the characteristic of fairness were obtained. Therefore, the scale can be used by positive psychology developers to measure and identify the development of fairness in adolescents in Indonesia. The scale will complement the previously developed character strength measurement tools.Downloads
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