
  • reza praditya yudha Universitas Indonesia (Doctoral Student of Comunication Science), Indonesia
  • irwansyah irwansyah irwansyah Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



new digital media, communication context, interpersonal communication, group communication


Digital media creates a gap in the definition of the communication context created by West & Turner (2010). Situational boundaries are increasingly unclear when in the whole process the number of participants, distance, space, feedback, media functions, and variety of channels are integrated. This study aims to analyze the implications of digital media functions in elaborating interpersonal communication to successfully mobilize groups. The study was conducted by reviewing the literature on new digital media theories. As a result, connectedness occurs as a character of interpersonal communication in digital new media. When these context is elaborated by digital media so that integrating more participants, interaction is not just merely connection anymore, but focuses on shared meaning. At this point the context is shifted into group communication.


Keywords : new digital media, communication context, interpersonal communication, group communication


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Author Biographies

reza praditya yudha, Universitas Indonesia (Doctoral Student of Comunication Science)

Best Graduate University at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2012, Erasmus Mundus beneficieries at Universidade do Minho 2010-2011, Cumlaude Universitas Diponegoro 2015, grant BPPDN-Dikti for Master Degree, grant LPDP for Doctoral Degree at Universitas Indonesia (now).

3rd Best presentation at National Conference and Research of Communication 2014, presenter, and trainer of public speaking.

irwansyah irwansyah irwansyah, Universitas Indonesia

Dosen Universitas Indonesia, konsultan, dan periset Ilmu Komunikasi dengan spesialisasi pada pengembangan teknologi digital. Menyelesaikan S1 di Universitas Sumatra Utara, Master di University of Hawaii, dan merampungkan studi linier komunikasi dengan gelar Doktor di Universitas Indonesia. Tergabung dalam International Communication Association, Asia and Media Information Communication, Asian Studies Association sebagai anggota. Pada organisasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, beliau menjabat sebagai Ketua Bidang Keilmuan yang membawahi Departemen Keilmuan Dasar, Terapan, Kebijakan, Pemutakhiran Ilmu, Database dan Kepakaran  (2014-2017). Juga sebagai Koordinator Institut for Social Justice Network daerah Jawa Barat, Ketua Alumni East-West Center (KALEA) untuk Jakarta-Indonesia.


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How to Cite

yudha, reza praditya, & irwansyah, irwansyah irwansyah. (2018). MEDIA BARU DIGITAL SEBAGAI PERETAS KONTEKS KOMUNIKASI ANTAR PRIBADI DAN KELOMPOK. Islamic Communication Journal, 3(2), 180–192.


