Communication Ethics, Critical Civilization, Hoax, Quranic InterpretationAbstract
This paper seeks to parse the solution to the problem of hoax from the perspective of Quranic interpretation holistically and comprehensively. This study is a qualitative research by reading the relationship (munasabah) between verses about hoax in the Holy Quran that are represented by the terms ifk, fa>siq, muna>fiq, murjifu>n, and tabayyun. After reading the verses related to the term, it was concluded that hoax news can be minimized by critical thinking, having emotional maturity, performing tabayyun, and broadening insight. In addition, the Holy Quran also teaches good communication ethics, namely qaulan sadi>dan (correct speech), qaulan bali>gan (good words that leave an imprint on the soul), qaulan maisu>ran (proper speech), qaulan layyinan (soft words), qaulan kari>man (noble words), and qaulan ma'ru> fan (good words).
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