About the Journal
Journal of Early Childhood and Character Education is an article journal and discourses around the subject of early childhood and character education. It is published by the Education and Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang. Intended to communicate original researches and current issues on the subject. The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives: law, matter, curriculum, evaluation in early childhood education and character education from various perspectives. This journal warmly welcomes articles contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
p-issn: 2775-5444 ; e-issn: 2775-2046
Current Issue
Pemanfaatan Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran di PAUD Kelompok Usia 2-3 Tahun di Labschool UNNES
Abstract View: 108 PDF Download: 67 -
Membangun Profesionalisme Guru PAUD Melalui Model Supervisi Klinis
Abstract View: 117 PDF Download: 73 -
Peran Orangtua dan Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Anak Usia Dini
Abstract View: 128 PDF Download: 71 -
Upaya Guru Dalam Menangani Perilaku Anti Sosial Pada Anak Usia Dini
Abstract View: 164 PDF Download: 99 -
Pengaruh Penerapan Buku Cerita Digital dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Usia Dini
Abstract View: 104 PDF Download: 64 -
Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dengan Menggunakan Media Loose Part Untuk Membangun Merdeka Belajar Anak Usia Dini Di RA Al Hidayah
Abstract View: 116 PDF Download: 72