Published: 07-12-2018

Internalization of Tolerance Values in Islamic Education

Puspo Nugroho


Abstract View: 1953 PDF Download: 546

Learning Development Based On Multicultural In Inclusion School

Abdul Wahid, DYP. Sugiharto, Samsudi Samsudi, Haryono Haryono


Abstract View: 1218 PDF Download: 318

The Cultivation of Tolerance Value in Madrasah through Tahfidh Hadits

Ahmad Musyafiq


Abstract View: 937 PDF Download: 395

Islamic Education in Supporting De-radicalization: A Review of Islamic Education in Pondok Pesantren

Tiyas Nur Haryani, Muhammad Ikhsanul Amin, Nur Hidayatul Arifah, Arina Mardhiyana Husna


Abstract View: 2083 PDF Download: 476

The Search For Islamic Studies Information Through Smartphones By Visual Impairments Disability

Hanny Hafiar, Priyo Subekti, Heru Ryanto Budiana


Abstract View: 1063 PDF Download: 238

Analysis Study of Parental Choice of Education in The Millenial Era

Ahmad Fauzi, Rosyadi BR, Hasan Baharun


Abstract View: 1429 PDF Download: 369

Model of Religious Culture Education and Humanity

Muhammad Luthfi Abdullah, Akhmad Syahri


Abstract View: 1766 PDF Download: 351

The Importance of Problem Based Learning in Islamic Higher Education

Nur Kholis


Abstract View: 1312 PDF Download: 342

The Growth of Learning Enthusiasm at the Emeyodere Muslim Minority Education Institution in West Papua

Ismail Suardi Wekke, Fitri Ruaidah, Moh. Wardi


Abstract View: 1240 PDF Download: 297