The importance of supervisor support for the work outcomes and psychological well-being of Malaysian low-income working mothers




low-income, structural equation modelling, workplace bullying, work-life balance, work stress


Low-income working mothers are susceptible to well-being issues. However, research on the interplay between supervisor support and the work outcomes and psychological well-being of Malaysian low-income working mothers is scarce. Therefore, this study identifies the relationship between work outcomes (work stress, work-life balance, workplace bullying) and the moderating role of supervisor support in the psychological well-being of working mothers. Using purposive sampling, data were obtained from a survey of 269 respondents (M-age = 38.15, SD-age = 8.14) employing offline and online methods. The participants completed the demographic section, Psychological Well-being Scale, Work Stress Scale, Work-life Balance Checklist, Malaysian Workplace Bullying Index, and Supervisor Support Scale. Structural equation modelling analysis showed that work stress was the main contributor to psychological well-being (β = -0.41, t = -2.87, p = .004), followed by supervisor support (β = 0.29, t = 3.34, p <.001), and workplace bullying (β = -0.23, p = .048). In addition, supervisor support significantly weakened the impact of work stress on psychological well-being (β = -0.14, t = -2.00, p = .045). The study concludes that supervisor support enhances psychological well-being and reduces the negative burden of work stress on the psychological well-being of Malaysian low-income working mothers. Identifying the most significant contributors to psychological well-being can help working mothers to become more aware of the negative side effects of work, and encourage them to find effective solutions to maintain their psychological well-being. Finally, the study emphasizes for supervisors and human resource personnel the importance of supervisory roles in improving the work environment and providing strengthened support for psychological well-being.


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Author Biographies

Syara Shazanna Zulkifli, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim

Hazalizah Hamzah, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim


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How to Cite

Zulkifli, S. S., & Hamzah, H. (2024). The importance of supervisor support for the work outcomes and psychological well-being of Malaysian low-income working mothers. Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi, 9(1), 159–178.




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