Siti Tarwiyah*  -  UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author
Graphic organizer may be used as alternative media in literacy
class. GO stimulates students to think of information through some
ways. Through the use of GO students’ habbit to copy others’ ideas
will be minimized. Students only need to take the key words repre-
senting the digest of the information in a text and think of the re-
lationship among the words. Some kinds of graphic organizer may
be used are story map, fi shbone or ishikawa diagram, venn diagram,
and KWL table.

Keywords: literacy media, graphic organizer, literacy skill

  1. Arsyad, Azhar. 2002. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafi ndo
  2. Persada.
  3. Bovee, Courland. 1997. Business Communication Today, Prentice Hall:
  4. New York.
  5. Degeng, I Nyoman Sudana. 1993. Media Pendidikan. Malang: FIP
  6. IKIP Malang.
  7. Mc. Knight, Katherine S. 2010. The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic Or-
  8. ganizer. Jossey-Bass. A Wiley Imprint.
  9. The Media Literacy Project. 2014. “Introduction to Media Litera-
  10. cy”.
  11. accessed on August 20, 2014 13:03
  12. 2014. Advantages of Graph-
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  14. (
  15. dents.html. 2014. Benefi ts of Graphic Organizer to Students. ac-
  16. cessed on Februari 26, 2014. 11.10

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English Education Department,
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Jl. Prof Hamka Ngaliyan Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
