Analysis of the Mathematical Visualization Process of Female Students in Solving Contextual Problems Based on Cognitive Style

Edy Setiyo Utomo*  -  STKIP PGRI JOMBANG, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author
This study aimed to describe the process of mathematical visualization of female students in solving contextual problems in terms of differences in cognitive style. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research subjects consisted of two 8th grade students with SPFI and SPFD cognitive styles. The results showed that field-independent female subjects explored objects only from one point of view, from the side they produced 3D objects and were divided into 4 parts. SPFI uses an object-partition strategy. SPFI scans objects in both 3D and 2D. SPFI performs object manipulation in the form of rotation. While SPFD explores objects in 2D because it uses a point of view from the side of the object. SPFD identifies the presence of blocks and triangles. SPFD uses an object partitioning strategy. SPFD does not pay attention to the spatial aspect of the scanned object. SPFD performs object manipulation in the form of a triangular object rotation of 1800 clockwise. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention to the strategies carried out by students in terms of gender and cognitive style in solving cognitive problems so that students can perform optimally.

Keywords: mathematical visualization, female, cognitive style

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