library_books Journal History
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (translated in English Nadwa: Islamic Education Journal) will undergo several changes in 2021. These changes start from the editor in chief, templates, author guidelines, and focus and scope. Agus Muthohar replaced the Editor in Chief previously held by Sofa Muthohar. Furthermore, the Nadwa journal focuses its studies on Islamic Education in Indonesia and Southeast Asia from various perspectives, covering library research and fieldwork studies and current developments with particular references to culture, politics, society, economics, history, and doctrines through the publication of articles. The scope includes Learning strategy of Islamic education; Learning media of Islamic education; Learning evaluation of Islamic education; Curriculum development and implementation of Islamic Education; Inclusive education in Islamic education; Action research in Islamic education; History and thoughts of Islamic education figures; Islamic Education in Political Context; Islamic education Philosophy. The Author Guideline has also undergone several changes, as attached. Lastly, the template also changed several things, such as layout, writing arrangement, and references.