Kharisma Puspita Sari*  -  FITK UIN Walisongo, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author
This study aimed at investigating categories of semantic fi eld
by nonenglish department students. The researcher designed this
research as explanatory qualitative research.
There are three steps in holding this research. The fi rst step
is to collect the data. The data card is considered as the appropri-
ate data. The nonenglish students’ aspirations of semantic fi eld are
the only data. The next step is to analyze the data. The researcher
used the Riemer’s theory (the semantics of categorization) to ana-
lyze the data. The students’aspiration would be classifi ed according
to Riemer’s theory. The last step is to present the analysis. The re-
searcher classifi ed the data into two categories: a) classical categori-
zation, and b) prototype categorization. The dominant classical cat-
egorization could be fi nd in the lexical items like house, bathroom,
tree, concert, holiday, library, hospital, football competition,
and aircraft. The researcher investigated dominant prototype cat-
egorization in the lexical items as follows; car, ship, mountain,
post offi ce, and minimarket.

Keywords: students’ mastery, semantic fi eld, nonenglish depart- ment

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English Education Department,
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Jl. Prof Hamka Ngaliyan Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
