
  • Danu Angga Vebriyanto PPS Unnes, Indonesia




teacher’s questions, EFL, classroom interaction


Questioning is a basic method implemented by teacher in order
to build interaction in the classroom and also to stimulate the stu-
dents to perform their speaking skill in target language. The present
study attempted to describe the types of questions that the teacher
usually applies in the classroom during teaching and learning pro-
cess, to fi nd out the teacher’s purposes of applying those levels of
questioning, and to describe the effects of applying the levels of
questioning for the students’ understanding of English, and to iden-
tify students’ oral responses towards teacher questions. The data
were collected by recording the teaching and learning process and
interviewing the English teacher. Based on the research fi ndings, it
was discovered that the teacher utilized certain types of questions.
Referential-open questions that can elicit longer responses were
31%. On the other hand, the percentage of display-closed questions
was 69%. Questions that are categorized as display/closed ques-
tions were widely used for checking students’ understanding of the
materials questions that categorized as referential/open questions
were widely used for looking for certain information from the stu-
dents. It was found that in all season 70% of students’ responses
were in form of words. The production of words was the effect of
employing display or closed question. In the other hand, students’
responses in form of sentence were 7 sentences. It was the effect of
employing referential or open question.


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