Improving Professional Teacher Competence through Learning Supervision for Madrasah Teachers with a Background in Islamic Boarding School Education

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This research discussed learning supervision for madrasah teachers who
had an educational background in Islamic boarding schools to improve
the professional competence of teachers. The objectives of this study
were to find out the condition, the professional competence, and the
implementation of learning supervision for teachers with an educational
background in Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) at MTs. Ma'arif NU
Semarang , Indonesia. This qualitative research field used observation,
interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis in this study used
qualitative analysis with the stages of data reduction, data presentation
(data display), and data verification (conclusion drawing). The results and
findings of the research were the educational backgrounds of Pesantren
with the culture of Santri, they brought from their respective Pesantren
with various disadvantages and advantages. It was found that there were
teachers who were rebellious and tended not to follow the rules and
demands. There were eccentric teachers, laziness, and others. Moreover,
they also had advantages in the deep understanding of religious lessons.
Teachers of MTs Ma'arif NU Semarang City with an educational
background in Pesantren obtained three categories: the good category of
15.38%, sufficient 7.69%, and low 76.92%. Thus, efforts needed to be
made to improve the professional competence of these teachers.


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